Is Corporate GTD Training Becoming a Global Best Practice?

vakil_housing_gets_gtditized.jpgJim Rider, the VP of Brand Communications over at the David Allen Company just forwarded this interesting news to my attention. It seems that Vakil Housing is the first company in India to go through a company wide GTD training program. Not only that but several key individuals went a step further and obtained additional training to become trainers themselves, enabling them to support their company’s effort to instill a GTD oriented culture.

Let me be one of the first to offer my congratulations to everyone at Vakil Housing. This is an awesome first step and I’m certain that the company as a whole will reap huge benefits from your efforts in this regard. I’d also like to invite anyone from Vakil Housing that has the desire to write about your company’s experiences adopting a GTD culture and submit the reports to GTDtimes. I am sure that I’m not alone in having an interest in hearing how your GTD efforts progress, what benefits you realize, what obstacles you encounter and how you overcome them.

From Vakil Housing:

Since the beginning of this year, we’ve been eagerly awaiting this training to take place and last week it finally happened. Dream Com True! Leslie Boyer Harradine an associate with the David Allen Company, was down here for a whole week for an intensive training session, exclusively for Vakil Housing. Other than Training our staff in this methodology, Leslie, also trained a couple of us to be Trainers ourselves. So that this would not just be a one-time thing, but the practice and training will continue inhouse so that eventually a GTD culture sets-in.

If someone from Vakil Housing would like to contribute in this regard, please send me a note at: [email protected] and I’ll send you some details on how contributing to works.

One last thought about this; has anyone else seen companies in other countries taking steps like Vakil Housing has taken to implement GTD across an entire organization? If so, we’d love to hear about it. Again, send the information to [email protected] and we’ll be sure to share the news with the GTD Community.

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  1. Wow, the Surprises just don’t stop do they. Being written about in GTD Times is indeed something. Thank you so very much. It has been a long and fun journey to operate and think with a “mind like water” at a corporate level. We are still so far away, but are enjoying every minute getting there.

    It would be a pleasure and honour to contribute to GTD Times. Will get in touch with you for that.

  2. Oh by the way, Kevin Wilde the Chief Learning Officer of General Mills is taking conscious steps in implementing GTD across the organisation and I hear so is Target. Would be great to hear from the GTD Champions of these companies how they’re going about it too.

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