The Due Diligence of Decision-making

If thorough front-end decision-making is a key success behavior, and you can easily get sidetracked, can you train yourself to make them quicker, better, and more thoroughly across your life and work? Sure.

Episode #263: Skills Lab – Project Planning

In this new Skills Lab webinar we take a deep dive into the topic of project planning. How much and what kinds of planning do you need to do for different types of projects? With quizzes, exercises, and practice scenarios, this is a valuable opportunity to fine-tune your GTD practice.

Episode #262: Slice of GTD Life with Bill Myers

You already know Bill Myers from his many posts in the forum, where he has been adding value — and humor! — for many years. Get to know him even more in this Slice of GTD Life interview. Bill answers the usual questions about how he got started with GTD, and the variety of tools he has tried. He also goes into helpful detail on how his thinking about and approach to GTD have changed over the years.

Episode #261: Slice of GTD Life: Jason Atwood

As the CEO of Arkus, Inc., Jason Atwood is the epitome of a leader who has embedded GTD in his company culture. Beyond the basics of productivity, he educates employees on how to communicate effectively, including advice on when to change the channel to a more suitable means of communication. His company is built on trust, with clear expectations and metrics, rather than tracking where and for how long someone sits at a desk or is in front of a webcam. He emphasizes that in addition to the accountability of GTD, there is a larger culture of accountability that supports all in doing their best work.

Episode #260: Slice of GTD Life: Caroline Clarke

Caroline Clarke’s GTD journey goes back to when Getting Things Done was first published. She applied the methodology in her previous career in international banking, and still applies it in her new career as an illustrator and author. She shows us her intentionally designed home office/studio, with spaces for various kinds of work. She also talks in detail about how she adapts GTD to her very creative work.

Episode #259: Organize Skills Lab

In this Skills Lab recording, we took a deep dive into the Organize step in the GTD workflow. With quizzes, exercises, and practice scenarios, this is a valuable opportunity to fine-tune your GTD practice.

Episode #258: Clarify Skills Lab

In this new Skills Lab webinar we took a deep dive into the Clarify step in the GTD workflow. With quizzes, exercises, and practice scenarios, this is a valuable opportunity to fine-tune your GTD practice. Improving your skill on the Clarify step is one of the best ways to make your reviews easier, and make your choices easier when it’s time to engage with your predefined work. You will benefit if you have real-time access to your calendar, Projects and Next Actions lists.

Episode #257: Capture Skills Lab

In our most recent Skills Lab webinar we took a deep dive into the Capture step in the GTD workflow. We discussed what makes a leakproof capture tool. We also distinguished between capturing as a behavior and the tools we use to capture. With quizzes, exercises, and practice scenarios, this will be a valuable opportunity to fine-tune your GTD practice.

Getting Others to Change

How do you motivate people to change their behavior? This is a common question for managers, executives, coaches, teachers, parents, and anyone else who ever wants other people around them to act differently in a consistent way.

Episode #254: Overcoming Procrastination

In this new Skills Lab recording we took a deep dive into the causes of procrastination, and the cures. With quizzes, exercises, and practice scenarios, this is a valuable opportunity to fine-tune your GTD practice.

Episode #253: Reflecting

In this Skills Lab, we take a deep dive into the Reflect step in the GTD workflow. With quizzes, exercises, and practice scenarios, this will be a valuable opportunity to fine-tune your GTD practice.

Episode #252: Engage

Put your GTD skills to the test in this new Skills Lab webinar. We focused on the basics of the Engage step, including how you spend your time and choosing what to do. Through a set of fun quizzes, practice scenarios, and lively group discussions, this was a valuable opportunity to fine-tune GTD practice.

Episode #251: Projects and Next Actions

This was the first of several planned GTD Skills Lab webinars. In this installment, we focus on the fundamentals of projects and next actions. Through a set of fun quizzes, engaging practice scenarios, and lively group discussions, this is a valuable opportunity to fine-tune your GTD practice.

The Direction Correction Badge

I’ve noticed that one of the hardest things for people to do is to change what they’re doing to something better to be doing, when there’s nothing externally forcing them to. But to unhook from whatever groove we’re in, in the moment, and shift the focus of awareness and physical energies into something that may not be as immediately easy or comfortable…I think that takes real strength.

Fast Forward to Yesterday

I wouldn’t have wanted yesterday any different. I might have ended the day with a shorter inbox and next action list, but might not have had as rich a life.