Getting Things Done with IBM Lotus Notes

In our new series called GTD Toolbox Tours, we’ll be highlighting and reviewing different tools, products, software and gear that can support your GTD implementation.  We’ll cover list managers, labelers, pens, file folders and everything else that makes your GTD system hum like a Ferrari.  This week we’re starting with a podcast with Eric Mack, the designer of a software tool called eProductivity for IBM Lotus Notes.

In our recent podcast  on The Perfect GTD List Manager, we shared that one of the most common questions we get is, “Which tool should I use for my GTD lists?”  Specifically, you want to know which tools David Allen uses!  While the GTD approach is tool-agnostic, we have our personal favorites, as we know many of you do as well.  eProductivity for IBM Lotus Notes is one of those, and is the tool David (and most of the staff at DavidCo) use to help manage our workflow.  Even if you are not a Lotus Notes user, we think you’ll find value in hearing from Eric about what he learned would make the ultimate tool for David Allen to use.

In this podcast, Eric Mack (@EricMack) shares with Coach Kelly Forrister (@GTDCoachKelly) on some of the design philosophy and underlying features and principles that make eProductivity a tool David recommends.  (Note: There’s a free trial and on the podcast Eric also offers a $100 off to the first 50 people that contact him by June 15.)  Some of the features discussed on the podcast will make more sense if you check out some screenshots.    LISTEN NOW

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  1. Kelly, it was fun to be a part of your kick-off to GTD Toolbox tour. In addition to the $100 off discount we discussed for your listeners, I’ve decided to set up a free drawing for eProductivity, ActiveWords, and GyroQ – the three tools that I use to improve my productivity with Lotus Notes. I’ll write something up and post the details to the eProductivity web site ( by this evening. Thanks for having me on your program!

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