David Allen on Twitter!

If you’re a David Allen fan then this is news you probably want to hear.  David, the man behind GTD has finally leaped with both feet fully into the Web2.0 World by signing up for Twitter.

So if you are interested in what David has to say – or as Twitter says – “what David is doing” you should make it a point to go to Twitter and follow GTDGuy aka David Allen.

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  1. Glad to see David on Twitter. I’ve been on twitter for months now, with no adverse consequences. That is until about four weeks ago, when Twitter became –dare I say it, the center of my day/night? Email is nothing now compared to “catching up” with my basic twitter-list. This makes the search for the “perfect GTD” tool look incidental.

    That said, welcome to David on Twitter. I am following you, but of course.

  2. Jim–thanks for the shout out! I like Twitter so far because it’s more free form than even my blog. I’ll try to let go of the idea that every Twitter needs to be interesting and pithy. Frankly, I’m not that clever!

  3. Yay! Maybe David can help us figure out how to be efficient and productive with Twitter. LOL I notice he has hundreds of thousands of followers but is only following about 50 people. Maybe that is our first clue.

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