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  1. So basic, so simple, and sometimes so hard to adhere to. If you’re new to GTD, stick with it. It’s bad habits and a comfort zone you’ve gotten accustomed to that you’re trying to change.

  2. GTD has made me more productive than anything I have ever tried professionally or personally.

    GTD “IS” very simple when you read David Allen’s books and understand it. The simplicity of GTD is what draws you it at first but then people start to add their own hacks that end up complicating things and removing the productivity gains you first experienced.

    GTD is effective because most of what you learn makes perfect sense. You should always tweak things as needed for your individual situation but don’t try to complicate things by adding too much structure and control to it.

    GTD is not about getting everything done, it’s about getting the right things done and feeling good about your decision.

  3. What I’ve found is the real key to making GTD work for myself and others is turning this system into daily and weekly “rituals.”

    When GTD is ingrained into your habit patterns, you natural flow toward these essential activities with the least resistance possible.

    To peace & productivity!
    Elizabeth Saunders

  4. I am just starting this and where I am confused is what to do with the “stuff” to support next actions. For example, I have a pile of paper sitting that I have collected and am ready to process. I am an accountant so one of those things in the pile is correspondence the client received from the government. So after I determine the next step, where does the actual correspondence file go?

  5. Susan — You may get other ideas from other GTD Times readers, but here’s what I do. I use a standing file rack on my desk. It has the active project files, which can also mean clients that are active projects. Each file contains the paper support for that project, such as correspondence, receipts, forms. When the project is complete, the file goes into general reference. Same approach can work digitally, using file folders in any standard email program. Best of luck with your GTD journey!
    — John

  6. Good list, but I would add one more –
    Do Something! From my own experience I have planned and organized and prioritized and reviewed and… but nothing actually gets done until we put our plans into action. This is what sets apart people who “want” from those who “do”.
    Thanks for the post.

  7. Gordon – so true…I think Merlin Mann (and Seth Godin, along with David) is so right…you’ve “got to ship” meaning, do stuff! Accomplish tasks.

    I got into GTD and was really good at it for a while…then I got into starting a second business, and the system went off the rails…for months! I’m back on now, after much purging.

    Susan, I agree with John…I would hope you have a folder per client. I do exactly what John mentioned. File riser near me with active projects. Project is completed? File goes into the file cabinet.

    Elizabeth, I believe that is the route I’m going to take. Making the important pieces (week-in-review, etc) into rituals that I never waver from.

    I am as we all are…a work in progress!

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