The gift of MacBooks + OmniFocus + GTD for an entire school system

GTD enthusiast Kerry Gallivan has been working with a wonderful project in Maine that is bringing MacBooks,  OmniFocus & GTD to nearly 60,000 students and educators.  It’s an amazing story and congratulations to all involved in making this happen.  Truly a remarkable achievement which will greatly benefit the students, teachers, their families and communities.

kerryAs a GTD evangelist myself, last March I was fortunate to attend the GTD Summit in San Francisco. This was a first-ever event hosted by David Allen, author of Getting Things Done, and his company, David Allen Company. It was a networking event which brought together all of the best and brightest GTD practicers from literally around the world. It was at the GTD Summit that I met Ken Case – the President of the Omni Group.  Being a Technology Director at a school district in Maine and a GTD evangelist, I encouraged him to consider donating OmniFocus to the MLTI program as a first step in exposing the educational community within Maine to the benefits of the GTD system.

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  1. Wow . . . this is just terrific that this happened! I’m hoping to introduce my nephews to the GTD method when they’re a bit older. Perhaps, a children’s version of David Allen’s Getting Things Done (hint, hint)?

  2. This is fantastic! As a user of Omnifocus and the GTD system, I know how this can help people cope with the requirements of modern life. It does make a huge difference in my job. I really think that this is something students can really benefit from at school and for the rest of their lives.

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