Should you focus on something ‘more strategic?’

Are there times when it’s more effective for you to relax than pressure yourself? After you read this quote from David Allen, please post your

thing you’re capable of doing. When you most need to plan is when you least think you have the time. When you most need to relax is when you feel most pressured to push hard. And when you most need to deal with cleaning up the minutiae of your life is when you feel most compelled to try to stay focused on something ‘more strategic.'”

—David Allen, Making It All Work

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  1. That’s why weekend and vacation time is important. I recharge so I’m more effective. I’ve found that pushing all the time is shortsighted.

  2. It’s funny that I read your blog tonight. I was just thinking and wondering how a writer can stay committed and grounded. If you figure it out, let me know. I have only published one book and have a second one ready but somedays I can’t write a word. Good luck.

  3. There have been times when I push myself to keep going, only to find I’m getting nothing done. I take a break,come back to the problem refreshed, and can’t believe how obvious the solution to my problem is.

  4. I second Gretchen’s sentiments refreshing oneself in order to see the solution. Nothing makes the solution more apparent to me, many times, than a good night’s sleep.

    The secret for me is mind mapping the potential solution and getting all the action steps out on paper. Then I take a step back and give it the night (if I can) to think about it. Normally, by morning, a true plan has gelled in my mind and I am ready to attack it.

    Thanks for the post, David.

  5. This is a pithy narration of all the internal struggle that goes on inside one’s head.
    I try to follow one thing, take a step back may be for 30 seconds or one minute and completely shut my mind off. Nothing for one minute. Then I jump in again, because by that time I have an answer, most of the time.

  6. Three suggestions.

    1. Use “if/then” thinking – “If I feel like I need to clean up the minutiae of my life, then I will take 30 minutes to address as many of those issues as possible.”

    2. Substitute “but” with “and” – “I need to clean up the minutiae of life AND I feel compelled to stay focused on something more strategic. THEREFORE, I need to build in ‘rest stops’ during my strategic work to allow me to keep the minutiae under control.”

    3. Carry a moleskine, take notes when you are inspired, and refer back to them later when you have time to devote to another issue.

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