We all do it. (occasionally) Johnny Kelly finally explains it with this wonderful brilliant film.
Extreme Productivity Seminar in Palo Alto Tomorrow
Friend of David and GTD Times, Ismael Ghalimi is putting on what I’m anticipating will be a very intensive and highly educational seminar tomorrow at the Four Seasons Hotel in Palo Alto – The Extreme Productivity Seminar. There are apparently a couple of tickets still available so if you’re in the area and would like …
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GTD for Startups
Scott McDaniel and Derek Scruggs from SurveyGizmo discuss the Core Conversation – GTD for Startups: Getting Things Done in the Real World they led at the recent South by Southwest Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas. They discuss how they use GTD in the fast paced environment of a startup. Scruggs has a handy tip he …
Natural Born GTD fans and their habits: are you one of the few?
A Community Contribution by Michael Sliwinski Over the years that I’ve been learning and mastering GTD I’ve stumbled across many great individuals who taught me a lot about how to implement GTD in my personal and business life. Some of them have been exposed to GTD since the day the book was published and have …
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Microsoft Gives the World a Telescope
In all of our efforts to be more productive and accomplish more each day, it is sometimes easy to completely forget about why we want to do more or do the same but more efficiently – sometimes it seems, it is all to easy to walk outside on a beautiful, starlit night, and be so …
Stop wasting money and paper
During my commute to the office this morning I sat next to a very executive lady. She was flipping through at least 200 hundred freshly printed pages of paper. From the looks of it, minutes, memos and other valuable material for an upcoming meeting. From the expression on her face I got the impression that …
GTD Video on Filing
Heathervescent is “The Purple Tornado.” A GTD Fanatic and a Marketing Genius, we came across her original video and said; “We’ve got to make sure her stuff gets shared with the community! It’s Great!” Check out her latest effort, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GkFTsQjvSc
Getting Email Under Control
Getting Your Email Under Control by David Allen Managing the flood of email messages that most of us need to interact with on a daily basis is a growing challenge. No one’s volume is diminishing. That “beast is out of the barn,” and we’re not going to be able to shove it back in! So, …
No system is still work
One of the perplexing things I run across in presenting GTD classes is people who want to defend their lack of system as taking less time and effort than the “work” it would take to maintain a system (GTD or otherwise). There are books out now about how organizing is a waste of time because …
Live from South by Southwest: GTD for Startups
Long time GTD blogger Derek Scruggs and Scott McDaniel are presenting a ‘core conversation’ this morning at the South by Southwest Interactive Festival (sxsw) being held in Austin for the next 5 days. We’re all huddled in a ballroom and the GTD folks arrived early! The topic is GTD for Startups. They are involved in …
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I lost my book!
By Jeff Tidwell – community contributor I’m an analog sort of GTD guy. I work from a small 3-ring binder with home-made tabs organizing my lists and inspiration. I’ve tried a few digital organizers, my iPhone, Outlook lists, Google documents, etc. and have always come back to this handy notebook. I recently (Gasp!) lost my …