GTD Setup Guides

Hello GTD enthusiasts! This is an update on the GTD Setup Guides that are currently available. If you’re new to these guides, they are the official GTD software setup guides from the David Allen Company to give you step-by-step coaching on applying GTD to some of the best software tools out there. We currently have GTD Setup Guides for: …

Mark’s GTD Story

Your name: Mark Jantzen What do you do for work?  I’m a Senior Investment Manager with Fidelity Investments Where do you live?  Denver, Colorado How did you hear about GTD?  I attended a David Allen seminar at Fidelity before he called it GTD. I believe it was MAP – Managing Actions & Projects.  Obviously read …

GTD and stress

How do you unhook from the pulls and pressures of your world? It would be nice if you could just shut your door, or go into the garden, and the harpies in your mind—all the niggling things to do and deal with—just went away. Or, if you could just finally get it all done, so …

How things get done

It’s all connected. You can’t really define the right action until you know the outcome you’re after, and your outcome is disconnected from reality if you’re not clear about what you need to do physically to make it happen. You can get at it from either direction, and you must, to get things done. –David …

The Power of Imagery

Imagery is powerful. Consciously exercising the direction of your imagery is a hallmark of mastery—in sports, business, or frankly any aspect of your life. Mental pictures, combined with rich emotional texture, have proven to be highly effective tools for enhancing perception and performance, whether on the track, in the boardroom, in relationships, or simply your …

GTD Stories: Enyo

Your name: Betty Enyonam Kumahor, but most people just call me Enyo. What do you do for work? I find this question harder and harder to answer! My background is in management and technology consulting. I started my own consulting firm about 2 years ago and we have about 25 people in 3 countries doing …

Priorities and GTD

Challenges with priorities and GTD A GTD Connect member asked: I am having a challenge understanding priorities and GTD. I have at least 100 projects, from LARGE to little. Now you break down those projects to single actions which at least triples your actions. So I might have about 300 single actions to be done. …

Where to find GTD training

GTD public courses and coaching services are offered in more countries than ever before, through our extensive network of Global Partners. Here’s the dashboard to find GTD training near you:      

Why I do GTD

In response to last month’s David Allen article, Turning Inside Out, GTD fan and musician Don Richmond shared: This underlying philosophy, or reason for the existence of GTD, is what turned me on to it in the first place. I don’t really need to do more things—I do too much already. But I do need …

What is GTD®?

Someone recently asked David Allen to share the underlying principle to Getting Things Done® (GTD®). He said: There are several, but the main ones are: 1. CLEAR YOUR HEAD – Your head is for having ideas, not for holding them. In other words, build and maintain an “external brain” to hold all your significant reminders …